Kolache by Terri Rimmer

I didn't know you very long, only five months.

You were another foster Boxer taken in by my 2:00 client and you had Cushing's Disease though the vet said it wasn't fatal.

Turned out it was despite all the adjustments to your meds.

You peed in your crate more often than not and I was only allowed to give you half a cup of water at each visit.

There wasn't much known about your history and you never caused a fuss.

You were only five or six.

You didn't get to live long at all before the disease had you staggering around, took your appetite, thirst, then your home from you as your owner had to make the decision to put you down.

Another foster dog gone from her; she has your ashes in a cedar urn in her office.

I didn't know you long at all.

So, why are my eyes full of tears as I write this?    


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